Nov 7

Ensure your child’s success in the iPSLE.

Mathemagis now offers review sessions for the International Primary School Leaving Exam (iPSLE) of Singapore. This test is currently taken by Grade 6 or 7 students  from schools that have adopted the Singapore Math curriculum and is administered locally in Ateneo and Xavier.

Review sessions available in Timog (call 482-1074) and Katipunan (call 387-6602) branches. You may also call 0932-843-5551 or 0932-843-5550.

Oct 17

In a New York Times article, Sol Garfunkel, the executive director of the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications, and David Mumford, an emeritus professor of mathematics at Brown, emphasize the importance of real world problem solving over abstract calculation skills.

In math, what we need is “quantitative literacy,” the ability to make quantitative connections whenever life requires (as when we are confronted with conflicting medical test results but need to decide whether to undergo a further procedure) and “mathematical modeling,” the ability to move practically between everyday problems and mathematical formulations (as when we decide whether it is better to buy or lease a new car).

The Mathemagis program helps your child develop such problem-solving skills by emphasizing word problems and providing real-world context.

Oct 16


Come and see the beauty of Singapore Math!

You are invited to our Open House:

  •  Unit 529, Elizabeth Hall, Katipunan Ave, Quezon City
  •  October 7 to 24, from 10am to 6pm

Call us at 387-6602, 0932-843-5551, or 0932-843-5550 to schedule a free assessment for your child.

Visit us now to enjoy discounts on our opening promo!

Bring your kids and let them have fun with Singapore Math!

Inspirational work spaces and manipulatives accelerate student learning of Singapore Math in Mathemagis Katipunan, Quezon City.

Oct 16


Based on internet sources, here’s a short list of schools that have adopted this innovative program:

Aug 15

In today’s competitive world, mastery of numbers will give your child an advantage in business, science and technology. As Philippine schools struggle to provide adequate educational support in math, Singapore has charted a proven path through it’s decades long development and implementation of the Singapore math system. This approach has proven itself by the consistently high performance of its students in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).Singapore Math achieves such performance by overhauling the traditional paradigm and shifting from rote calculation to problem solving, from memorization of tables to developing insight into number systems, from fixed methods to flexible and multiple approaches to analysis, and from abstract concepts to practical number skills.

The benefits Singapore math can now be enjoyed by all Filipino students. Proactive parents can help their child by enrolling them in Mathemagis – a pioneering Singapore math enrichment program in the Philippines. While other math enrichment programs focus only on rote arithmetic skills, Mathemagis develops deeper insight and understanding and prepares your child to tackle a wider range of real world applications. Moreover, if your child’s school has adopted the Singapore Math curriculum, Mathemagis will be the perfect preparation and supplement to the learning from the classroom.

Mathemagis is delivered to your child by supportive teachers trained by experts from Singapore and UP not only in Singapore math but also in effective teaching techniques. Together with extensive, effective, and finely tuned teaching materials and relaxing learning spaces, your child’s learning capacities will be maximized. Moreover, our cooperative learning approach also develops social skills and teamwork.

Give your child the gift of achievement now. Enroll them in Mathemagis.

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