Jan 30

Registration is now open for our Visual Thinking Maths (VTM) Summer program for kids 7 years old and up. VTM develops visualization and analytical skills enabling students to solve complex word problems at the grade school level without using Algebra.
Email us at mathemagis@gmail.com or call us at 387-6602 to reserve a slot.


Jan 26

Mathemagis will offer Visual Thinking Math – a summer program dedicated to improving  children’s visualization and problem solving skills through the use of bar models. This program is for kids 7 years old and up who want to go from good to great in word problem solving.

  • First batch: March 31 – April 25
  • Second batch: April 28 – May 20

Students will be given a free assessment to determine their starting level.  Call our center nearest you to reserve a slot.  Avail of early bird discounts until Jan 31. Click on the links below for the summer program schedule of the branch nearest you.

Jan 15

The essence of Math is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple. -S. Gudder

Jan 8

Here are some points to remember …

Jan 4

Learn to use bar model. Get good grades. Look forward to exams. Be confident. Be independent.

In Mathemagis, we believe that everyone can be good in Maths.  With our visual approach and emphasis on developing analytical skills for word-problem solving, your child can surely achieve success this year and beyond. Start the year right and visit us for a free assessment.



Dec 31

Dec 20

Want to help your kids with Singapore Math but don’t know how? Join our parent seminar and find out the similarities and differences between the traditional and Singapore Math approaches as well as how to help your kids with math.

When: Jan 23, 2014, 9 – 10:30am

Where: The Forum, Fully Booked. Bonifacio High Street, the Fort.

Slots are limited. Please call 0925.586.0300 or email mathemagis.fort@gmail.com to reserve a slot.

Dec 15

Mathemagis adopts Singapore’s National Institute of Education’s (NIE) Teacher Education Model for the 21st century (TE21) particularly the V3SK model of combining Values, Skills and Knowledge in molding teachers who are equipped not just with Singapore Maths knowledge but are armed with pedagogical skills and empowered by student-centered and professional values.

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